Saturday, 16 May 2015

Image Of The Day - 16.05.02015

Product Photography
Client: Catherine - African bags and Rugs
Bead slippers

I have recently been working with a local lady who sells beautiful African handbags and bracelets.
Below is a photograph from the shoot.

Bhupinder Ghatahora
Ghatahora Photography

Friday, 15 May 2015

Image Of The Day - 15.05.02015

Product Photography
Client: Catherine - African bags and Rugs
Glass bead braclets

I have recently been working with a local lady who sells beautiful African handbags and bracelets.
Below is a photograph from the shoot.

I'll be writing about 'Behind the scenes' of the above photo shoot, with all the light diagrams, camera settings and the thought behind this image.

Bhupinder Ghatahora
Ghatahora Photography

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Pinhole Photography

Back in 1999, when I was studying National Diploma in photography, I got really  fascinated with pin-hole photography and decided to make this as my Major project. This was something that I was not sure how I was going to achieve and as far I know there weren't many books on pin-hole especially one for a film camera converted into a pin-hole camera.

I was not going to give up easily, I decided to use my brain power, read a lot about the 'camera obscura', my film camera and lots of technical books on photography, especially by Michael Langford. After understanding the principals of photography, I was prepared to accept this new challenge that I had set for myself.

My basic photography equipment was my Cannon film camera, camera body cap, an aluminium strip (taken from a coke can) and lots of film to use and experiment as all this was a trial and error. It took a few weeks to do all the calculations, determining the aperture made from the pin-hole and working out the reciprocity law (the relationship between the intensity and duration of light which determines the exposure. Exposure = Intensity x Time)

Once I had all the technical notes, I started to take photographs with my home-made pin-hole camera; I still have the camera and the the pin-hole cap for it.

It took a few more practical experiments to get a consistent exposure all the time. This was a case of using rolls of film with 24 or 36 frames, developing the film, making a contact sheet and hand printing all the final prints in the darkroom - the traditional way.

Till today I am really pleased with the final results that I achieved. Below are the scans from the original prints.



The Ghost Train



Moving on to digital cameras from film cameras, I still love pin-hole photography. In my view, it never gets out dated. This has been one of my favorite photography projects that I have really enjoyed working on.

Image Of The Day - 10.05.2015

Romantic Tattoos
Model: Stepn
Theme: Tattoos

Bhupinder Ghatahora
Ghatahora Photography