Tip 1 :
Photograph still life indoors
* use every day objects to photograph
* keep it simple
Tip 2:
A still life must have;
* a starting point
* interesting composition
* object theme and setting
Tip 3:
Experiment with available light;
* use window light and reflectors
* use different lighting conditions
Tip 4:
Use flash to create interesting lighting effects;
* light is from the side
* use window light and flash
Tip 5:
Emphasize the still life with light;
* texture
* shape
* form
* mood
Tip 6:
Look for a pattern in natural still life:
* close-up of leaf veins, flower petals, other natural objects
* use striking lighting
Tip 7:
Make use of shapes;
* interesting shapes can create powerful composition
Bhupinder Ghatahora