Sunday, 28 April 2019

How To Take Better Nature Photographs

1) Fill the frame with your subject - research by looking at animal photographs

2) Photograph natural forms; 
* flowers, trees, animals, birds

* shapes, texture, use leaves, rocks, water

3) Photograph garden designs

4) Use sky as the background

5) Photograph trees as your main subject; shoot low angle against the sky

6) Photograph autumn colour
* trees, water droplets, leaves
* shoot low angle

* shoot looking up at the trees (stand underneath the trees)

7) Take photographs in bad weather;
* photograph fog, rain, snow

8) Take flower portraits

9) Shoot close-ups under soft light (use white card or an umbrella to soften the light)

10) Spend a day on the farm or animal park
* get close to farm animals
* animal behaviour
* animal portrait

11) Capture atmosphere/activities of farm life or zoo
* young animals
* events like lambing or birth

12) Use available light to capture atmospheric shots

13) Photograph pets:
* use available light
* shoot close-ups

14) Photograph visual diary 'A day in the life of.........'
I chose a baby rattle snake being fed at a local pet shop

15) Take a trip to a zoo
* photograph animal close-ups
* animal behaviour
* use shallow depth of field

Hope this article gives you a quick insight into how to take better nature photographs.

Bhupinder Ghatahora
Ghatahora Photography